Wednesday 8 August 2012

YouTube Channel

Hi, All

Ive recently started a YouTube channel. I currently do Minecraft game play but I hope to make other technology and gaming based videos. If youve got time please check it out at:

Sunday 5 June 2011

Saturday 28 May 2011

I Want A Mac

Ever since I was 9 years old I have always used Windows. However I have also always longed to own a Mac. But there's one problem. The price...

With me still being in full time education, I haven't really got around £1,500 to buy one. The problem is the longer I go without owning a Mac, the more frustrated I get when using my Windows laptop. I'll be honest, before I brought my first apple product (iPod Touch 2nd Gen) I wondered why everyone was going mad for Apple products. I thought there can’t be much difference between an Apple device and any other comparable spec model. What was all the fuss about?

After I took the jump and brought my iPod, I saw the light. I can honestly say I was more than pleasantly surprised.... I was amazed. From then on I have purchased evry type of Apple ios device iPhone 3G, iPhone 4, iPad and iPad 2. But the Holy Grail has eluded me, the Mac. I have done a lot of research about the differences between Windows and Mac. I have also read and watched a lot of reviews for Mac's.

The only way I could possibly raise the money for a Mac at the moment, would be to sell a lot of my other gadgets. So is it worth it? Has anyone changed from using Windows to Mac and was there a big difference?
These are the Apple ios products I currently own;
These are the Apple ios products I previously owned;


Thursday 26 May 2011

Which 3D films have the best 3D effect?

After watching a few 3D films at the cinema i was wondering which films had the best (pop out) 3D effect. When I watched Avatar I thought the 3D was great but it was more like you was looking into the screen rather than objects flying out at you. You might say that pop out 3D is just a gimmick, but since I purchased my 3D TV I have been trying to get the best 3D effect. Has any one watched a 3D film that has made them think WOW! that nearly took my head off. If so please let me know because this technology still amazes me.

Sir Bobby Robson Portrait

I painted this portrait of Sir Bobby Robson a few months back. I would love to hear you opinions on it. Its an acrylic on canvas board.
P.S. If any one has any tips for me to help me improve they would be much appreciated.

I've Finally Started Blogging

This is my very first post on my very first blog.