Saturday 28 May 2011

I Want A Mac

Ever since I was 9 years old I have always used Windows. However I have also always longed to own a Mac. But there's one problem. The price...

With me still being in full time education, I haven't really got around £1,500 to buy one. The problem is the longer I go without owning a Mac, the more frustrated I get when using my Windows laptop. I'll be honest, before I brought my first apple product (iPod Touch 2nd Gen) I wondered why everyone was going mad for Apple products. I thought there can’t be much difference between an Apple device and any other comparable spec model. What was all the fuss about?

After I took the jump and brought my iPod, I saw the light. I can honestly say I was more than pleasantly surprised.... I was amazed. From then on I have purchased evry type of Apple ios device iPhone 3G, iPhone 4, iPad and iPad 2. But the Holy Grail has eluded me, the Mac. I have done a lot of research about the differences between Windows and Mac. I have also read and watched a lot of reviews for Mac's.

The only way I could possibly raise the money for a Mac at the moment, would be to sell a lot of my other gadgets. So is it worth it? Has anyone changed from using Windows to Mac and was there a big difference?
These are the Apple ios products I currently own;
These are the Apple ios products I previously owned;


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